公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2432-9487
セッションID: 125
125 車載用車いすリフターの評価(北東北の産業技術と技術史(II))
宮脇 和人森山 雄貴佐藤 敏美
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In order to put on a car, putting a person requiring care on a wheelchair, the welfare cars equipped with an expensive exclusive lift and slope were required until now. Then, the lifter new type which can make the person requiring care who does not purchase such welfare cars but has also put on the wheelchair get on and off easily from the backdoor of a common minivan was developed. In putting this lifter in practical use, the withstand-load examination at the time of the maximum authorized payload based on JIS regulation "home wheelchair lift", the impact test-proof, and the braking examination were carried out. It checked that the developed wheelchair lifter for in-vehicle loading was more satisfactory than the result of an experiment practically.

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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