Online ISSN : 1884-8788
Print ISSN : 0374-3527
ISSN-L : 0374-3527
藤井 一元高杉 純好
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 365-378


The influence of intravenous administration of cimetidine on excitatory response of gastric secretion and motility of innervated or denervated pouchs caused by electrical stimulation of vagal and splanchnic nerves and administration of tetragastrin or histamine respectively were investigated. Dogs were anesthetized with nembutal, and also immobilized with gallamine triethioide. The following results were obtained.
(1) Administration of cimetidine inhibited the augmentation of gastric juice and acid output from the innervated corpus pouch by vagal and splanchnic nerve stimulation and vestibulo-gastric excitatory reflexes of gastric secretory functions via the vagal or splanchnic nerve.
(2) Augmentation of gastric acid output from the denervated corpus pouch caused by electrical stimulation of vagal and splanchnic nerves was inhibited by administration of cimetidine.
(3) Administration of cimetidine inhibited the augmentation of acid output from denervated corpus pouch caused by injection of tetragastrin or histamine.
(4) The excitatory responses of gastric motility caused by nerve stimulation and administration of tetragastrin or histamine could not be effected by cimetidine.
(5) No changes were observed in the gastric venous blood flow by continuous intravenous injection of cimetidine, but by rapid injection both the flow was augmented and the systemic blood pressure decreased transiently.
These results indicate that histamine stimulates gastric secretory cells directly.


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