2024 年 73 巻 3 号 p. 248-254
This paper aims to investigate the impact of low permeability layers in the ground on chemical infiltration by utilizing seepage flow analysis. Additionally, we present the outcomes of a multiple regression analysis conducted using the data obtained from the seepage flow analysis. The chemical injection method has experienced extensive usage in recent years for construction projects conducted near railroad lines, dams, rivers, mountain tunnels, and as a precautionary measure against ground liquefaction in the event of a large-scale earthquake. This technique involves drilling a hole to the desired location, injecting a chemical solution, and allowing it to permeate into the ground. However, the chemical injection method still faces several technical challenges. One of these challenges is the insufficient penetration of the chemical when low permeability layers are present in the ground. In the current chemical injection method, a uniform hydraulic conductivity is assumed based on the value obtained from a specific point in the ground, and the chemical is injected accordingly. However, this approach proves unreliable as it overlooks the existence of low permeability layers that hinder the sufficient infiltration of the chemical. Consequently, such limitations result in the failure of the improvement process. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the reliability of the chemical injection method by thoroughly investigating the extent to which low permeability layers influence infiltration behavior.