Online ISSN : 2432-2733
Print ISSN : 1883-9304
戦後ニュージーランドのジェンダー観の変容とプレイセンターにおける育児 : 1960-1970年代の参加者の語りから
佐藤 純子
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 16 巻 p. 27-40


In the New Zealand society, most of mother had followed the British child-rearing tradition such as "mother should take care of her child at home" for many years. The idea had become the mainstream child-rearing method in New Zealand over the period 1940-1980. This paper refers to Playcentre in New Zealand. The characteristics of Playcentre are the mutual child-rearing support system and adult learning courses for parents. It started in wartime, and the early 1970s was the heyday for the Playcentre campaign. The purpose of this paper is to explore their motivations to get involved with Playcentre activities in the late 1960s and 1970s. Also, the research examined the motherhood ideology and outsourcing child-care interfaces in the lives of postwar New Zealand women.

© 2009 日本ニュージーランド学会
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