Online ISSN : 1884-4928
Print ISSN : 0288-1012
ISSN-L : 0288-1012
尾木 啓司入江 英仁逢坂 亘彦辻川 裕久桜井 達河本 孝史戸崎 市子五嶋 秀男
ジャーナル フリー

1984 年 3 巻 2 号 p. 174-178


We use“ACESS”for children, the paste of Satou pharmaceutial Co., Inc., for serious mentally and physically handicapped children and adults having inflammation in gingiva, we observed the progress of every kind of clinical symptom, studied the improvement rate, and judged the effect of this paste.
The results as follows.
1) The efficacy rate of this paste was 92.1% (58 of 63 examples) at the forth week after we began to use this, and the last week 98.1% (62 of 63 examples) .
2) The improvement rate of this paste showed 84.7% on redness, 90.7% on tumor, 88.1% on bleeding, 85.7% on pus discharge, 68.1% on smell of mouth four weeks later.
3) On the efficacy of this paste, the improvement rate of the redness was 68.7% at the second week after we began to use this, the tumor was 92.2% in earlier.
4) The oral smell and the smell of the institution was decreased than before this paste used.
5) There was no special side-effect.
As the result, “ACESS”for children was considered effective tooth paste for the gingivitis of seriously mental and physical handicapped children.

© 日本歯科薬物療法学会
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