Journal of Signal Processing
Online ISSN : 1880-1013
Print ISSN : 1342-6230
ISSN-L : 1342-6230
Circuit Theory Based on New Concepts and Its Application to Quantum Theory
21. Why Can We Apply Circuit Theory to Physical Wave Phenomenon ?
Nobuo NagaiTakashi Yahagi
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 24 巻 5 号 p. 223-228


In this lecture series, we attempt to construct a theoretical system of quantum theory that emphasizes the wave nature (in other words, that is based on circuit theory) and assumes quanta to be circuit elements. Circuit equations given by voltage and current have steady-state and transient responses. The steady-state response is expressed by complex numbers. For lossless circuits, the active and reactive powers can be distinguished, and the active power is expressed by a conserved quantity. In physics, physical phenomena are considered to occur as a result of some motion, suggesting the importance of motion. In circuit theory, a transient response is generated when a steady state transits to another steady state. In the transient response, the active and reactive powers cannot be distinguished. Therefore, the transient response is considered to be a physical phenomenon without a conserved quantity and to require special techniques involving difficult problems, such as renormalization.

© 2020 Research Institute of Signal Processing, Japan