Online ISSN : 1881-4751
Print ISSN : 0039-906X
ISSN-L : 0039-906X
鈴木 のぞみ白幡 恭子石丸 出穂中村 祐太郎内野 洋材大沼 正宏櫻井 雅浩
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2021 年 70 巻 2 号 p. 165-173


The purpose of this study was to examine epidemiology of injury in a male collegiate volleyball team in Japan during 2019 season. Thirty-six collegiate male volleyball players were followed during 2019 season. Injuries that required more than 24 hours to recover were classified as Time Loss (TL) injury, and those that required less than 24 hours were classified as Non-Time Loss (NTL) injury. Exposure was calculated by total number of players and hours of participation. Then, we computed injury rate per 1000 Player Hour (PH) and 1000 Athlete Exposure (AE) as outcome measures. A chi-square test was utilized to statistically compare. Eighteen injuries occurred and the overall injury rate was 1.28/1000PH and 2.05/1000AE, respectively. Of which, 11 cases were NTL injuries (0.78/1000PH, 1.26/1000AE) and 7 cases were TL injuries (0.50/1000PH, 0.80/1000AE). Within the 7 TL injuries, 5 (0.36/1000PH, 0.57/1000AE) were of minor severity. Most TL injury were classified as chronic in nature (n=5, 0.36/1000PH, 0.57/1000AE). There was no statistically significant difference between injury rate of match (n=2, 1.33/1000PH, 2.88/1000AE) and training (n=16, 1.27/1000PH, 1.98/1000AE). The most frequently injured body part in training was lower back (n=7, 0.56/1000PH, 0.87/1000AE). In match, highest injury rate was observed in ankle (n=2, 1.33/1000PH, 2.88/1000AE). In conclusion, our results showed relatively low injury rate, and majority of reported injuries were categorized as minor severity. Our study also demonstrated injury characteristics of Japanese male collegiate players that lower back injuries were prevalent in training, and acute ankle injury rate was highest in match.

© 2021 一般社団法人日本体力医学会

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