Online ISSN : 2187-1337
Print ISSN : 2186-702X
ISSN-L : 2186-702X
政木 清孝
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 11 巻 2 号 p. 58-63


In order to ensure the long-term safety of various industrial equipment, transportation machine and social infrastructure, safe life design is required to prevent fatigue fracture of them. The basic mechanism of fatigue fracture of metal is the generation and propagation of fatigue crack due to repeated loads during use. In other words, it is effective to prevent the generation and propagation of fatigue crack in order to prevent fatigue fracture. For that purpose, it is effective to generate compressive residual stress to the surface of component materials. The laser peening process developed in Japan that does not require a surface coating was developed to convert the tensile residual stress into a compressive residual stress near the weld line of a nuclear power generation facility. That is, it can be expected to improve fatigue property by laser peening. In this report, the improvement of high cycle fatigue property by laser peening was introduced especially the suppression effect on surface fatigue crack growth, using austenitic stainless steel and aluminum alloy as examples.

© 2022 一般社団法人 スマートプロセス学会
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