Online ISSN : 1884-0329
Print ISSN : 1880-9928
ISSN-L : 1880-9928
宇田川 邦明木ノ本 仁志西田 明美
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 11 巻 43 号 p. 75-85


Structural deformation control under earthquakes has been conducted recently by connecting steel shear walls or steel wail-type dampers with steel frames. These steel shear walls have sometimes an opening for functional or design requirement. The steel walls with the opening enframed properly have higher ultimate strength and more plastic deformations than those of the steel walls without the opening. We analyze numerically elastic-plastic behaviors of the steel shear walls with the various types of openings using the FEM program. From the analytical results, we propose a design formula for obtaining the required rigidity of the surrounding frame of the openings to ensure that the steel shear walls would have enough elastic stiffness and ultimate strength. In the analyses, 400Mpa-grade and 100Mpa-grade steels are adopted. Furthermore, the elastic-plastic behaviors of the steel walls having the opening strengthened by the frame are compared with those of the non-opening walls with rib-plates.

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