Online ISSN : 1884-0329
Print ISSN : 1880-9928
ISSN-L : 1880-9928
加藤 史郎サトリア エカ金 倫範中澤 祥二
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 15 巻 58 号 p. 21-36


The present paper investigates the nonlinear behavior of a new type of two-way single layer lattice dome with nodal eccentricity using T-joint struts. First, the paper presents a T-joint system for the dome using a connection for orthogonally crossing arch members, and performs an analysis to find the rigidity and strength of the T-joints using 3D solid finite elements. Next, using the rigidity and strength, a geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis is performed to investigate the nonlinear behavior of the two-way single layer lattice dome with the present nodal eccentricity. The results of analysis show that the domes with this nodal eccentricity, which can be classified as a semi-rigid joint, are feasible as one of single layer spatial structures and well enough to be applied in construction of large two-way single layer lattice domes.

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