Online ISSN : 1884-0329
Print ISSN : 1880-9928
ISSN-L : 1880-9928
井上 一朗甲津 功夫吹田 啓一郎多田 元英立山 英二田中 剛中島 正愛丸岡 義臣南 二三吉森田 耕次
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 4 巻 16 号 p. 89-104


This paper discusses the influence of connection details on fracture property and plastic deformation capacity of steel wide-flange beams connected with steel columns. New types of scallop adopted in the present study generally improved the plastic deformation capacity of beam-to-column joints. This was demonstrated by the fracture mode : New types of scallop inhibited brittle fracture from scallop bottom, although it was frequently observed in the conventional type of scallop. Nevertheless, the degree of improvement depends on the material property of steel beams. Most of beam-to-column connections with new types of scallop exhibited fracture from weld start/end in the beam flange. In this case, quality of welds plays an important role in ductility capacity of connections. Weld pass sequence of 1- path per layer and the use of flux run-off tabs potentially decrease ductility capacity, which is attributed to lower quality of welds and incidence of weld defects in case of inexperienced application of flux run-off tabs.

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