Online ISSN : 1884-0329
Print ISSN : 1880-9928
ISSN-L : 1880-9928
増田 浩志伊藤 昭栄藤井 俊二田中 淳夫
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 7 巻 25 号 p. 23-30


At WF beam to RHS column connections diaphragms are commonly used. In this paper statical characteristics of a new type connecting method without diaphragms were experimentally investigated. In this method the side of flanges of the beam ends were welded to vertical stiffners, and the ends of the stiffners were welded to the corners of RHS columns. It is generally recomended to avoid welding at the corners of cold formed RHS member. In this experimented study the influence of welding at those parts upon the statical characteristics of the welded connection is investigated. By means of two types monotonic tension tests and cyclic loading test it becomes clear that the welding at the corners of columns has no bad influence upon the statical characteristics of welded connections.

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