Football Science
Online ISSN : 1349-5623
Development of Criterion-referenced Measurement Items for Soccer Defensive Tactical Play from Tracking Data
Hiroki MatsuokaYasuhiro TaharaKozue AndoTakahiko Nishijima
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 17 巻 p. 29-40


The purpose of this study was to construct criterion-referenced measurement items for soccer defensive tactical play from soccer game tracking data. Scaling procedure included qualitative analysis of the causal structure of soccer defensive tactical play using the Delphi method and a causal-effect analysis, processing items to measure soccer defensive tactical play from tracking data, an analysis of construct validity of soccer defensive tactical play by structural equation modelling, an analysis of success criteria of defensive plays by decision tree analysis, an analysis of test and item characteristics of the scale of soccer defensive tactical play by using item response theory (IRT), and an analysis of validity of the criterion-referenced measurement test. Qualitative analysis revealed that soccer defensive tactical play consisted of the press defense and block defense. Twenty-five soccer defensive tactical play items were created from the tracking data. Seventeen soccer defensive tactical play items showed construct validity. The success criterion of the soccer defensive tactical play items was revealed by decision tree analysis. Test and item characteristics, which consisted of fourteen items, were shown by IRT. In conclusion, it was statistically valid to construct the criterion-referenced measurement items for soccer defensive tactical play from soccer game tracking data.

© 2020 Japanese Society of Science and Football

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