Football Science
Online ISSN : 1349-5623
The Effects of Play Area Size as Task Constraints on Soccer Pass Skills
Masao Nakayama
キーワード: task constraints, pass skill, coaching
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 5 巻 p. 1-6


The present study analyzed how task constraints affect the pass skills in young soccer players. The tasks were three-vs-one (3v1) ball possession in three different area sizes (8m× 8m, 10m×10m and 12m×12m square). The sizes were the task constraints in the study. The characteristic of the pass skill which is accomplished at the play area under each constraint appeared to be the following: 1. In the 12m area players had enough time and space to play. Therefore the ratio of 2-touch plays was higher. Also movement time was longer than others. 2. In the 10m area and the 8m area, there was no difference of ratio of 2-touch plays and ratio of pass success. 3. In the 8m area, the movement time of 2-touch plays was shortest. From these findings it was clear that size of the play area produced an effect on the pass skill which is shown with the respective environment. Coaches should make the purpose of practice clear in order to make passing an optimum task for players. To achieve that purpose, coaches should manipulate play area sizes.

© 2008 Japanese Society of Science and Football

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