The Journal of Toxicological Sciences
Online ISSN : 1880-3989
Print ISSN : 0388-1350
ISSN-L : 0388-1350
ピレスロイド系殺虫剤 Empenthrin (VaporthrinR, S-2852F)の哺乳動物毒性
金子 秀雄川口 忍三崎 義則小山 雄一郎中山 厚美川崎 一広橋 敦子吉武 彬山田 宏彦
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 17 巻 SupplementIII 号 p. 313-334


Acute toxicity: Empenthrin ((RS)-(EZ)-1-ethynyl-2-methyl-2-pentenyl (1R)-cis/trans-chrysanthemate) caused some toxic signs such as muscular fibrillation, tremor, hypersensitivity, decrease of spontaneous activity, ataxic gait, lymb paralysis, irregular respiration, excretion of oily substance, loose stool and urinary incontinence in oral acute toxicity studies at l000 mg/kg and above in rats, and at 2000 mg/kg and above in mice. The oral LD50 value was estimated greater than 5000 mg/kg (male) and greater than 3500 mg/kg (female) in rats and greater than 3500 mg/kg (both sexes) in mice. In both rats and mice, the toxic signs were not found at 2000 mg/kg by dermal administration. The dermal LD50 value was estimated greater than 2000 mg/kg (both sexes) in both rats and mice. The LC50 value in rats for the acute inhalation toxicity of empenthrin was estimated to be greater than 4610 mg/m3 for both sexes. The LC50 value in mice was determined to be 2700 mg/m3 for male and 2300 mg/m3 for female. Mice showed higher sensitivity to empenthrin than rats. 2. Reproductive and developmental toxicity: Empenthrin was orally administered to fetal organogenesis periods of rats at the dose levels of 50, 150 and 500 mg/kg, and of rabbits at 100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg. Maternal toxicity was found at 500 mg/kg in rats and at 300 mg/kg or more in rabbits. There were no teratogenicity, no embryotoxicity and no fetal retardation in rats or rabbits. In addition, there were no adverse effects on Fl pups growth, development or reproductive performanece. 3. Subchronic toxicity: Empenthrin was orally administered to male and female SD rats at dose levels of 0 (corn oil), 10, 100 and 300 mg/kg for 26 weeks. Clinical signs, body weight, food and water consumption were monitered, and hematological, blood biochemical, ophthalmological and histopathological examination were carried out. As a result, changes related to administration of empenthrin were observed mainly in the liver and kidneys in rats receiving l00 mg/kg or more. Therefore, the no-effect-level of empenthrin is determined to be l0 mg/kg in both sexes of rats in this study.

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