Online ISSN : 2433-104X
Print ISSN : 0389-9101
宮田 貞一浦 久康岡本 治郎友貞 三郎下河 章啓松浦 利昌
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 13-16


In view of increasing production by minimizing the construction period on berth, and also, to keep the constant working hours of berth, the most important and necessary for the shipyard is the efficient utilization of the existing berth, and to commence outfitting in the engine room at an early stage of construction is also effective for minimizing the period on berth. From this view-point, we have adopted tandem-construction method. While ship is constructed on the aft portion of berth by the method, aft body blocks of next ship, including engine room, is pre-erected on the fore-portion of the same berth. After launching of the former, the latter is removed to a proper position of the aft-portion of the berth. We had already adopted this method several times intermittently. But, as recently it became necessary for us to adopt this method continuously. We started with this planning from 1971, and completed the first travelling successfully on 12 th Oct., 1972. This method is characteristized by safety control and minimum operators with full auto matization of travelling equipments. In this report, the planning and first travellng result are described.

© 1973 公益社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会
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