Online ISSN : 2433-104X
Print ISSN : 0389-9101
船内電気艤装ケーブルにおける誘導障害に関する研究 : 鎧装無しケーブル使用上の品質保証に関する考察
金尾 勝人坂倉 泰速水 正勝森 力也柏木 克文
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 17-25


When we intend to arrange signal transmission circuits in ships, we have usually decided the laying method and kinds of cables depending upon our experiences. It's partly because we have to lay down the cables in the complicated and limited spaces of ships and partly because there has been little literature available and appropriate to there specific conditions up to now. As a result, we have sometimes met with the difficulties of inductive interference. Whenever we met with such difficulties, we could manage them, if not successfully, by taking some partial and/or temporary measures. But these measures can hardly be said to be good ones. And especially, if unarmored cables are to be used in the ships in order to meet the requirement of the present economic situation, in which we are required to reduce the material cost and the amount of labour, we have to take much care to prevent inductive interference. These are the main motives for our taking up the inductive interference as our subject this time, and we have carried out some experiments in order to observe the inductive phenomena caused when unarmored cables are used. From these experiments, we could successfully ponder over the method of using the unarmored cables without suffering the inductive interference. We hope this report will prove to be of good help to all of you.

© 1975 公益社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会
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