Online ISSN : 2433-104X
Print ISSN : 0389-9101
船型試験水槽におけるLaboratory Automationについて
松本 憲洋山本 修小段 範久松浦 孝神宮 紀夫
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 57-70


The ship model basin of NKK was completed in November 1977. It's principal dimension is 240m×l8m×8m. The main and auxiliary carriages are installed on the tank. The former moves longitudinally and the Y-Z carriage suspended from the latter moves transversely and rotates about the vertical axis. The laboratory automation was developed for this basin, its application brought about the following effects: (1) Improve a degree of accuracy for repeating tests. (2) Increase an efficiency of test process due to rapid judgement. (3) Enlarge a possibility of processing for a great number of data. (4) Decrease a number of operators for testing. (5) Simplify the use of data base of test results for ship designing application. In this report, problems about the application of laboratory automation technique and elements of the testing system, i.e., the software and the hardware, are mentioned. Finally, several examples of the test results are also shown.

© 1978 公益社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会
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