Online ISSN : 2433-104X
Print ISSN : 0389-9101
On the Optimization of the Aft-Part of Fine Hull Forms (Second Report)
林 允進梶谷 尚宮田 秀明金井 誠
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 57-65


A new procedure for the improvement of the aft-part of fine hull forms is developed, which is based on the method of calculating inviscid resistance for propelling ships. Wave resistance and resistance caused by the presence of a propeller are simultaneously calculated for systematically modified hull forms. The new hull form thus obtained is empirically modified by attaching a stern bulb so that its wake comes to be desirable. The resistance and propulsion efficiencies of the original and the optimized hull forms are examined through some kinds of experiments, which show that the total efficiency of the optimized hull form is raised by about 10 percent. Resistance increment due to the action of a propeller is also discussed with experimental results. Waves and the uniformity of wake play significant roles in the interaction of a hull with a propeller.

© 1980 The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
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