Online ISSN : 2433-104X
Print ISSN : 0389-9101
海洋構造物の最終強度解析法 : 理想化構造要素法の応用
上田 幸雄Rashed Sherif M. H.中長 啓治佐々木 治夫
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 131-142


In recent years, many offshore oil drilling rigs are produced. In order to guarantee their structural strength, it is very important to estimate their ultimate strength by clarifying their plastic collapse behaviors. The authors propose the Idealized Structural Unit Method as a very effective method to analyze nonlinear behaviors (including buckling, plastification, etc.) of large structures. Applicability of the method bas been confirmed by applying formerly developed some idealized structural units to actual problems such as the ultimate transverse strength analysis of ship structures. In this research, the Idealized Structural Unit Method is applied to the analysis of the ultimate strength of offshore structures (jacket type). Firstly, the idealized structural unit is developed for steel pipe members used in offshore structures. Then, its accuracy of idealization is confirmed in the unit member and a simple pipe structure. Finally, the ultimate strength of a full-sized big model of jacket is analyzed in a very short CPU time so as to show the applicability of the method.

© 1983 公益社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会
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