Online ISSN : 2433-104X
Print ISSN : 0389-9101
烏野 慶一野中 晃二前川 和義秋本 研一
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 79-85


The added mass coefficients of ships are very important to analyze hydrodynamic forces and also simulate maneuvering motion of ships. Motora carried out the experiments to measure the added masses m_x, m_y and etc. using great numbers of ship forms with conventioal types except block type ships (C_B=1.0). The added mass charts based on the experiments and arranged by Motora is well-known owing to its practicability for the ship design. In our previous investigation on hydrodynamic forces of some block type ships, which resemble very large floating structures and their elements in recent years, our examination of estimating the added masses of the ships (C_B=1.0) by Motora's charts confirmed that the accuracy was not enough by means of extrapolating the curves on the chart because the block type ship is particular from and is outside of the scope. This paper presents a quick chart arranged with a new parameter to estimate the added massed m_x, m_y of floating structures with block types, derived from carring out the constant accelerating test and potential calculation to obtain the hydrodynamic forces of the structures (C_B=1.0)

© 1998 公益社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会
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