Online ISSN : 2433-104X
Print ISSN : 0389-9101
新並列運転方式による舶用自励交流発電機 (SK発電機) の解析とその応用 (第1報)
柴田 福夫糸井 宇生
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 25-31


Special features of self-excited A.C. generator which put spurs to use A.C. system in almost all vessls of the world are as follows: 1. It is not necessary for this generator to use a rotary exciter. 2. It has a constant voltage characteristic without big automatic voltage regulator. 3. When the load is applied to it suddenly, the quantity of the instantaneous voltage drop is very little. In spite of the importance of parallel running in the operation of the ship generator, it has been neglected. There are important problems in the parallel running of selfexcited A.C. generator. One of the authors has paid attention to this problem and applied for patents (S-32-17773 and S-34-1489). These inventions are those which have special features of closed type and open type at the same time, and by which the balance method has been changed to the unbalanced method. "SK" generator seems to be a final excellent ship genrator which in future will be used widely, and we believe that "SK" generator will remain as one of the most popular forms of electric controlling method, same as famous Ward-Leonard, Ilgner, Kramer method and so forth.

© 1959 公益社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会
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