Online ISSN : 1884-5681
Print ISSN : 0021-4817
ISSN-L : 0021-4817
第3報 E. coli O-126による下痢症と本菌の病原性に関する考察
鈴木 可信
ジャーナル フリー

1959 年 33 巻 4 号 p. 304-308


Two cases of diarrhea, an adult and a child, from whom O-126 was found in stools, were studied from the viewpoint of clinical signs and symptoms and excretion of the bacteria in stool. Besides this clinical study, the bacteria were given orally to 3 adult volunteers to study the pathogenicity of E. coli O-126 to humans.
1. The beginning of diarrhea and other clinical symptoms were not known exactly in the adult case, because her consciousness was disturbed with septic symstom caused by terminal stage of carcinoma uteri and pyometrium. At the time of hospitalisation she had loose bowels 3-4 times daily and the stool was mucous.
As for the child, the body temperature elevated to 38° and vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain and tenesmus were complained. The stool was mucous, and the frequency of diarrhea was 4 times daily at the maximm. In this case it was worth noting that the symptoms were exacerbated on the 17th day after pretended recovery. No muco-hemmorrhagic stool was observed in both cases.
2. On swallowing tests of the bacteria in 3 volunteers, such symytoms as fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, headache and vomiting were not observed, abdominal fullness being the only complaint in all the cases. They remained carriers of the bacteria for 5-26 days. The third case which took a larger amount of the bacteria than the other 2 cases, excreted the bacterium for a longer period (26 days).
3. As compared with clinical symptoms caused by O-119 and O-124, which were

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