Online ISSN : 1884-5681
Print ISSN : 0021-4817
ISSN-L : 0021-4817
高崎 英雄
ジャーナル フリー

1959 年 33 巻 4 号 p. 332-335


A case of Japanese encephalitis, which broke out on 8, XI, 1955 and demonstrated atypical signs and symptoms, is reported in this paper.
Male, 34 years old, office-man.
8, XI, 1955: Headache, lumbago and chill. Almost sleepless because of violent headache. He had a sense of fever but no anorexia.
15, XI, 1955 (the 8th day of illness): Hospitalized. Clear consciousness, headache, no nausea and no vomiting. Slightly dehydrated. No achilles tendon and knee jerk reflexes, but with cremasteric and abdominal reflexes. No pathological reflex such as Babinski. Neither nuchal stiffness nor Kernig's sign. Body temperature ; 37°
Findings of cerebrospinal fluid: 190 mm pressure, clear, cell count 88/3, protein 20 mg/dl, no fibrin formation, sugar 75 mg/di, encephalitic pattern of Yokota reaction.
Negative culture of tuberculous and other microorganisms. Leucocyte count 4300, Widal reaction T 20X, negative complement fixation test and negative Wassermann reaction.
Course of Illness:
Violent headache continued with fever. Headache disappeared on the 18th day. The fever, however, was not influenced by the administration of chioramphenicol andstreptomycin. All other diseases were excluded by laboratory examinations except Japanese encephalitis. Complement fixation test proved negative on the 8th day, 8x positive on the 21th day and 16x positive on the 28th day.

© 日本感染症学会
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