Landscape Planning & Horticulture
Online ISSN : 2758-8882
Print ISSN : 2185-3657
The influence of literature on the formation of values for the landscape of deciduous "Musashino" broad-leaved forests such as Quercus serrata
Naoki Takeda
Author information

2022 Volume 22 Pages 11-15

In Japan, it is known that the reason for the new value of the landscape of deciduous broad-leaved forests such as Quercus serrata was in the literature of the latter half of the Meiji era. However, there is no study that organizes what kind of literary work and what kind of expression formed the values for the landscape of deciduous broad-leaved forests such as Quercus serrata. This study clarified this part. As a result, I found expressions related to deciduous broad-leaved forests such as Quercus serrata in the following literary works. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev " The Rendezvous "translated by Futabatei, Shimei (1896), Kunikida, Doppo "Musashino"(1898), Tokutomi, Roka"Shizen to Jinsei " [Nature and man] (1900) "Mimizu no tawagoto " [Ramblings of an earthworm] (1913), Tayama,Katai"Shincha no kaori "[New tea incense] (1909), Shimazaki, Toson "Chikuma Sukecchi "[Chikuma River sketch] (1913). Today, the feeling we feel when we see deciduous broadleaved forests such as Quercus serrata is formed by the above-mentioned literary works, and the background is the influence of Romantic literature that begins in Western Europe.
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© 2022 Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Landscape Planning and Horticulture Academy
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