Online ISSN : 1884-5185
Print ISSN : 0300-9149
斉藤 良一
ジャーナル フリー

1983 年 50 巻 4 号 p. 568-587


The present study is concerned with the tooth movement during loading in natural dentition to clarify the relationship between the movement of the teeth and the functional situation. The mobility of each tooth from the upper central incisor to the first molar was measured on six subjects in the bucco-lingal and axial direction with a non-contact sensor system utilizing the eddy current. The diphasic curves were obtained with and without the load and they differed in the pathway, and the difference was generally remarkable when loaded in the axial direction on the molar. The mobility was generally large in the upper teeth when the force was applied in the buccal direction. Every tooth showed a characteristic mobility path and they did not always coincide with the direction of the load. The unique path gathering in a certain direction was observed within the mobility path, in spite of the change in the direction of the force.

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