Online ISSN : 2187-5278
Print ISSN : 0387-3161
ISSN-L : 0387-3161
"Cytotropism" of Clinical Pedagogy : Trajectories from the Neo-Modern Paradigm to the Clinical Knowledge of Education(<Special Topic>Clinical Knowledge of Education)
Yoshinobu SHOY
Author information

2002 Volume 69 Issue 4 Pages 442-451


The cytotropism of clinical pedagogy, whose aore is the theory of developmental support based on the comprehensive humanics, begins to deconstruct/re-construct the paradigm of contemporary pedagogy.It is academically influenced by the earthshaking changes in natural sciences such as complex systems or autopoiesis that focuses on the vacillation of the chaos and poiesis, by the turning movement to the unique concreteness in social science, and also by the revival of H.Wallon's theory and of authentic L.S.Vygotsky's theory(narrative psychology or cultural historical activity theory) in cultural sciences and theoried of development.During the present time, the theory of development support that consructs the core of the cytotropism has some theoretical tendencies as follows: the developmental supports of the post-authoritarianism and peer narrative, the pos-tindividualistic and community expansive, and the post-paternalistic and client empowermental.Thesee tendenciess are embossed with the agenda of clinical knowledge of education in the intermixed and oveerlapped field as follows.1)Narrative community as one of the most primitive metaphors of the developmental support/2)Narrative empowerment as hearing and talking with the agent dialogically to change the activity systems.3)Community empowerment as intervention to create the expansive activity systems.At the bottom of these ideas, there is the socaled 'neo-modern paradigm'.This current paradigm puts emphasis on the articulation of subject-object in the schema of interactive monism between subject and object, and on the epistemology of creative imagination based on the collaborative change of not only the subjective meaning but also the the ojective reality.In this paradigm, the identity of 'cogito' once de-construct in the context of monophonic interaction, after that, the identity of 'imago' re-construct in the context of polyphonic interaction, and at last, it elucidates the outline and trajectory of transfering identity of 'nom propre'.One of the most important research field of the learning community including the ordinal instructions that contains a main topos of the school clinical activites.In addition, it must be also important to irradiate/reradiate the boundary crossing fields of authentic pedagogy (psychology, sociology, philosophy, medical science, and welfare theory etc.) in view of these innovations od clinical pedagogy.It would be necessary for clnical pedagogy to accumulate the case studies of the interventional research to seek out emergent multiple frameworks to analyze and describe the critical disturbances of the community/individual development as Y.Engestrom's DWR designed in an E.Levinas' or a H.Wallon's mode.

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