Online ISSN : 2433-1635
Print ISSN : 2185-1638
ISSN-L : 2185-1638
清水 玲子
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2021 年 12 巻 p. 19-30


In Japan, the gender gap index is used as evidence, and There is a claim that Japan lacks diversity. I am surprised that international standards are easily accepted, but I doubt the view that there is no diversity in Japan. In conclusion, if it is correct to point out that there is no diversity in Japan, it can be said that this is a result of the loss of diversity due to the introduction of Western culture in the Meiji period. As a symbolic event, “Sarugaku” which had been used since the Heian period, was renamed to Noh. This was realized in the process of establishing a national performing art equivalent to Western opera in the process of modernization. In Europe and America, the word 'monkey' is used to discriminate the yellow race and is considered to be a lower creature than human beings, but in Japan, 'monkey' is also the name of a god, worshipped as a god, and has been used as a term indicating a performing art. In this paper, we will show through the “Sarugaku” that diversity has been nurtured in Japan, where organisms coexist in nature without a hierarchy.

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