In this article, I discuss our practice of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the Aone, Sagamihara City. This PBL and ESD is a kind of Learning for Coexistence in the real world. First, I describe the characteristics of our PBL and ESD accompanied by teacher in the real world. As the practice of this type of PBL and ESD, students could acquire social ties with people in the real world. In addition, this type of PBL and ESD is situated learning in which students can influence situations. Moreover, through this type of PBL and ESD, students and teachers can share and create common values with stakeholders in the community. Second, I go into detail governance of commons in Aone. In Aone, commons such as woodland, grassland, river and conduit are governed by community member excluding alians just like us. On the other hand, member of Aone community can access the commons to obtain common pool resource. However, governance of commons in Aone face a crisis because of declining population. Although, Aone needs social ties with people in the outside region for Aone’s sustainable development, it is very difficult to create such social ties because commons is exclusive. Through PBL and ESD, students and teacher learn the social inclusion within Aone community. They also experience that people in Aone accept them. In contrast, they have to accept whatever happens in Aone community to continue their practice. Thus, their PBL and ESD is nothing but Learning for Coexistence and social inclusion. Unlike traditional commons, modern commons are open to diverse stakeholders. However, modern commons are in danger of lapsing into new type of social exclusion against vulnerable groups. For practice of PBL and ESD, we must deepen discussions 2018 年4 月5 日受付、2018 年5 月7 日受理 * 麻布大学, Azabu University 64 村山史世 on human rights and social justice.