Language Laboratory
Online ISSN : 2185-7806
Print ISSN : 0458-7332
ISSN-L : 0458-7332
板倉 武子後田 富久子
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 10 巻 p. 3-14


In learning English as a foreign language, we believe that the totality of the four language skills, hearing, speaking, reading and writing, come together hand in hand to enable the learners to master English. However, we have found that the learners (mostly college level) generally show a higher proficiency in reading comprehension than in hearing comprehension in their English learning process. The aim of this paper is to make a specific analysis of the related factors in the difference of the two levels of hearing and reading comprehension, based on a correlation ratio study. To study the related factors mentioned in the previous paragraph, the examinees (second year college students) were given several carefully constructed tests, over a certain period of time. The tests were made to examine the various elements of language skill, including sounds, content, vocabulary and sentence structure. They were designed for controlled response within a specified time. Results of the tests were tabulated and analyzed, and comparisons were made of skills displayed at various stages of the testing period, as well as skills displayed by first year students with one year less language training. Conclusions reached by our study may be said to include (1) a revelation of the actual extent to which hearing comprehension is inferior to reading comprehension; and (2) evidence that through extensive drill, particularly language laboratory drill, the auditory skill of students is increased, resulting in a lessening of the hearing and reading skill difference.

© 1971 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)
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