Language Laboratory
Online ISSN : 2185-7806
Print ISSN : 0458-7332
ISSN-L : 0458-7332
新しい教育メディアの導入による問題の発生とその対策 : その1 KJ法による問題の抽出
川淵 里美菊川 健
ジャーナル フリー

1975 年 13 巻 p. 97-104


If education with new media means giving lessons in ways other than the traditional ones with chalk and blackboard, teachers are confronted with various problems that lie ahead and have to be solved before they take up the new media, for the whole system of teaching should be reorganized, so that they may contribute most effectively to successive teaching. As a rule, at the stage of system-planning, questionnaire surveys are made, but in the surveys so far made, the items investigated are not sufficient for language teachers to find out the exact problems in their job. On the other hand, K J method and B S method which are widely applied in planning research are also useful to the actual field of education. The features of these methods are that they enable us to get many kinds of information, and to observe from different points of view. We have collected some seven hundred items of information from three hundred and fifty-one educationists and tried to classify the problems. To summarize the result, functions required for the new teaching media are: easiness of handling, clearness of presentation of colors and movements, richness of software, good combination of functions of each media, and chances of dialogue between the teacher and the students in a big class, and so on. Upon examination of the media now getting more and more widely used, from the above mentioned points of view, we have found that 1) television, 2) 0 H P, 3) loop films, and 4) slide films are worth paying attention to. These media may be classified into Video Tapes and Photographic Films, and, as their functions are of mutual assistance, development of teaching material may be made easier by switching from films to video tapes. Incidentally, we tried to survey teachers' comments given from time to time while students were watching video tapes for thirty minutes and, after checking the result by test. We found that teachers' comments counted nothing in the students' impressions of the program as a whole, but were quite effective for logical comprehension, the amount of memory, and the correction of wrong memory, so that the students could understand the program better than without them. Of all new media of teaching, we have arrived at the conclusion that video tapes are most effective and a certain device in handling them on the part of the teacher leads to remarkable success.

© 1975 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)
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