Language Laboratory
Online ISSN : 2185-7806
Print ISSN : 0458-7332
ISSN-L : 0458-7332
An Analysis of Students' Notes in a University Listening Class
守屋 靖代島崎 美登里
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 32 巻 p. 39-53


This paper reports the findings about university freshman students' notes in a listening class. This listening class, officially called "Listening Lab (LL)," is part of the English Language Program (ELP) at International Christian University (ICU) and aims to help students improve their listening and note-taking abilities. Notes taken by 130 students who watched a video segment on a biomedical issue were analyzed to determine differences among high scorers, intermediate scorers, and low scorers in the quiz. The results suggest that the notes by the high scorers tended to exhibit the following features that helped them answer the quiz: the frequent appearance of key words, the appropriate arrangement of information, and coherent organization.

© 1995 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)
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