Language Laboratory
Online ISSN : 2185-7806
Print ISSN : 0458-7332
ISSN-L : 0458-7332
英語のリスニングにおける課題と指導方法の関連性についての実験的研究 : ShadowingとNote-takingの適用に関して
飛田 ルミ福田 有美
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 36 巻 p. 117-127


It is well assumed in the field of cognitive psychology that information processing system of language is highly related to listening ability. There are two completely opposite directions of cognition; bottom-up and top-down. The bottom-up cognition is, in other words, data-driven, and top-down, concept-driven. The aim of our research is to give an empirical explanation to the relationship of different types (bottom-up or top-down) of treatments (shadowing and note-taking) and different types (bottom-up or top-down) of tasks (dictation and comprehension) in English listening activities. Our main hypotheses are (1) a data-driven treatment (shadowing) is effective for a data-driven task (dictation), and (2) a concept-driven treatment (note-taking) is effective for a concept-driven task (comprehension). Of the two hypotheses only the latter has successfully proven by our 11- week experiment. Although the former has not enough been proven, our study well suggests the significance of the combination of treatments (class activities) and tasks (evaluation tests) in teaching listening ability.

© 1999 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)
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