Online ISSN : 1347-5320
Print ISSN : 1345-9678
ISSN-L : 1345-9678
Hard Magnetic Properties and Nanocrystallized Structure of Fe66.5Co10Pr3.5B20 Glassy Alloy
Wei ZhangMitsuhide MatsusitaAkihisa Inoue
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 42 巻 8 号 p. 1543-1546


The value of the supercooled liquid region defined by the difference between the glass transition temperature (Tg) and the crystallization temperature (Tx), ΔTx (=TxTg), was 43 K for an Fe66.5Co10Pr3.5B20 glassy alloy. The crystallized structure consists of Fe3B, Pr2Fe14B, α-Fe and remaining glassy phase after annealing at about 863 K for 420 s and changes to a mixture of Fe3B, Pr2Fe14B and α-Fe phases after annealing at higher temperatures. The grain sizes after annealing at 863 K are about 20 nm for Fe3B, 10 nm for Pr2Fe14B, 20 nm for α-Fe and 5 nm for the remaining glassy phase. The maximum energy product (BH)max was obtained for the alloy containing the residual glassy phase subjected to annealing at 863 K for 420 s. The remanence (Br), coercivity (iHc) and (BH)max of the optimally annealed Fe66.5Co10Pr3.5B20 alloy are 1.35 T, 211 kA/m and 107 kJ/m3, respectively. The hard magnetic properties are interpreted to result from the exchange magnetic coupling among Pr2Fe14B, Fe3B, α-Fe and remaining glassy phase. The formation of the finely mixed structure caused by the residual glassy phase is considered to be responsible for the good hard magnetic properties with (BH)max above 100 kJ/m3 for the new type (Fe, Co)–Pr–B alloy with low rare earth and a high boron contents.

© 2001 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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