Online ISSN : 1347-5320
Print ISSN : 1345-9678
ISSN-L : 1345-9678
Effect of Applied Magnetic Field on Magnetic Properties of Sm-Fe-N Films Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Method
Tomohito MakiSatoshi SugimotoToshio KagotaniKoichiro InomataJun Akedo
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 45 巻 8 号 p. 2626-2629


This paper describes the effect of applied magnetic field on magnetic properties of Sm-Fe-N thick films prepared by the aerosol deposition (AD) method. At first, the magnetic field (0.17 T) was applied in the direction perpendicular to the film plane during the deposition. The remanence of Sm-Fe-N AD film deposited with the applied field, which was measured along the direction of the field, was 0.38 T. The remanence was smaller than that obtained without the applied field (0.40 T), which was considered to be due to lower film density. However, XRD analysis revealed that the ratio of X-ray peak intensities between (006) and (033) in the film deposited with the applied field was higher than that without the field and the c-axis of the Sm2Fe17Nx compound has a tendency to align along the direction of magnetic field. Secondly, the magnetic field (0—0.19 T) was applied in the direction parallel to the film plane during the deposition. The densities of the films were independent of the applied field. The remanences measured in the direction parallel to the applied field increased but those measured in perpendicular to the applied field decreased, with increasing the magnetic field during the deposition. The maximum value of remanence was 0.54 T, which was 29% higher than that without the applied field (0.42 T). Therefore, it is concluded that the c-axis of Sm-Fe-N AD films aligned along the direction of magnetic field during the deposition and the anisotropic feature increased with increasing the field.

© 2004 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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