2007 年 48 巻 11 号 p. 3031-3033
Glass-forming ability (GFA) of Cu36−xPdxZr48Ag8Al8 alloys was examined with the aim of developing a bulk glassy alloy with large critical diameter. It was found that the addition of 2 at% Pd significantly improved the GFA of the Cu36Zr48Ag8Al8 alloy. The fully glassy alloy rod with a diameter of 30 mm was successfully fabricated for the Cu34Pd2Zr48Ag8Al8 alloy using a copper mold casting method. The further increase of Pd content causes the decrease in the GFA. For the Cu36−xPdxZr48Ag8Al8 alloys, the Tg and Tx increase monotonously with increasing Pd content, while Tl shows a minimum value at 2 at% Pd, resulting in a maximum γ (=Tx⁄(Tg+Tl)) value at 2 at% Pd. The increase of γ parameter may be the reason for the significant improvement of the GFA of the quinary alloy.