Online ISSN : 1347-5320
Print ISSN : 1345-9678
ISSN-L : 1345-9678
Multi-Phase-Field Model to Simulate Microstructure Evolutions during Dynamic Recrystallization
Tomohiro TakakiTomoyuki HirouchiYousuke HisakuniAkinori YamanakaYoshihiro Tomita
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 49 巻 11 号 p. 2559-2565


A numerical model to simulate microstructure evolution and macroscopic mechanical behavior during hot working was developed. In this model, we employed a multi-phase-field model to simulate the growth of dynamically recrystallized grains with high accuracy and the Kocks-Meching model to calculate the evolution of dislocation density due to plastic deformation and dynamic recovery. Furthermore, an efficient computational algorithm was introduced to perform the multi-phase-field simulation efficiently. The accuracy of the developed model was confirmed by comparing the migration rate of grain boundaries with the theoretical value. Also, the numerical results for a polycrystalline material are compared with those obtained from a cellular automaton simulation. Furthermore, the effects of the initial grain size, grain boundary mobility and nucleation rate on the dynamic recrystallization behavior were investigated using the developed model.

© 2008 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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