Online ISSN : 1347-5320
Print ISSN : 1345-9678
ISSN-L : 1345-9678
Preparation of Pyrochlore Potassium Tantalate Thin Films on Ta/ITO Glass via Mild Hydrothermal Growth
T. HashizumeA. SaikiK. Terayama
ジャーナル フリー

2010 年 51 巻 2 号 p. 261-264


Potassium tantalate with perovskite structure (KTaO3) is an incipient ferroelectric material that has promising functions in electromechanical and sensing sectors. Potassium tantalate with pyrochlore structure (K2Ta2O6) appears promising in a photocatalystic field. Potassium tantalate powders and bulks were fabricated at high temperature such as over 400°C from Ta2O5 and KOH. A sheet of tantalum was hard to react with potassium hydroxide in the mild hydrothermal condition at 100–150°C and low alkaline concentrations (0–2 M). Pyrochlore potassium tantalate film was synthesized with a mild hydrothermal method (100–150°C) at short reaction time by using a sputtered tantalum substrate on ITO glass. Synthesis of this film employed significantly low concentrations of KOH solution (0.1–1 M). The potassium tantalate film fabricated by the hydrothermal condition of 0.5 M-KOH solution, 100°C and 3 h reaction time was a smooth surface and became transparent. The particle size of this film was 150 nm.

© 2010 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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