Online ISSN : 1347-5320
Print ISSN : 1345-9678
ISSN-L : 1345-9678
Low-Temperature Creep at Ultra-Low Strain Rates in Pure Aluminum Studied by a Helicoid Spring Specimen Technique
Junjie ShenShigeto YamasakiKen-ichi IkedaSatoshi HataHideharu Nakashima
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 52 巻 7 号 p. 1381-1387


The creep behavior in pure aluminum has been investigated by helicoid spring creep tests at strain rates, \\dotε, lower than 10−10 s−1 and low temperature ranging from 0.32Tm to 0.43Tm. It was found that the creep behavior in this region depends strongly on grain sizes and impurity concentrations. For high-purity aluminum (5 N Al) with an average grain size, dg>1600 μm, nearly the wire diameter of the spring sample, where the role of grain boundary during creep deformation can be negligible, the stress exponent was n∼5 and the activation energy was Qc=32 kJ/mol. Microstructural observation showed the formation of large dislocation cells (∼10 μm) and tangled dislocations at the cell walls. For high-purity aluminum (5 N Al) with dg=24 μm, the stress exponent was n∼1 and the activation energy was Qc=15 kJ/mol. On the other hand, for commercial low-purity aluminum (2 N Al) with dg=25 μm, the stress exponent was n=2 and the activation energy was Qc=25 kJ/mol. Microstructural observations revealed dislocations emitted from grain boundaries, those dislocations interacting with intragranular dislocations and the formation of dislocation cells in the grains. Based on those experimental results, the low-temperature creep mechanisms in pure aluminum at \\dotε<10−10 s−1 have been discussed.

© 2011 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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