Online ISSN : 1347-5320
Print ISSN : 1345-9678
ISSN-L : 1345-9678
Laves Phase Precipitation Behavior and the Orientation Relationship with BCC in Cr–Mo–Nb System
Li PengKen-ichi IkedaToshiaki HoriuchiSeiji Miura
ジャーナル フリー HTML

2018 年 59 巻 11 号 p. 1706-1715


The isothermal sections of the Cr–Mo–Nb ternary phase diagram have been studied. The C15 NbCr2 Laves precipitation behavior in three different alloys has been investigated in the Cr–Mo–Nb ternary system. The orientation relationship (OR) of NbCr2 in BCC matrix among BCC/Laves two-phase alloys and Cr-rich BCC1/Mo-rich BCC2/Laves three-phase alloy is different at 1473 K; OR 1: (011)BCC // (111)C15], [011]BCC] // [110]C15] and OR 2: (411)BCC] // (111)C15, [011]BCC] // [110]C15] with low lattice mismatch are both observed in Cr-rich alloys #3 (74Cr–16Mo–10Nb) and #2 (50Cr–30Mo–20Nb). OR 3: (011)BCC // (111)C15, [111]BCC] // [011]C15] with a lattice mismatch relatively larger than that of OR 1 and OR 2 is only observed in alloy #2, which may be due to the presence of BCC1 and BCC2 interphases formed after BCC decomposition. Only discontinuous precipitation is observed at grain boundaries in Cr-lean alloy #1 (42Cr–31Mo–27Nb) without obvious OR between the BCC matrix and Laves phase.

Fig. 17 Atomic matching at three BCC/C15 interfaces. Fullsize Image
© 2018 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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