Materials Transactions, JIM
Online ISSN : 2432-471X
Print ISSN : 0916-1821
ISSN-L : 0916-1821
Effect of Cu on the Corrosion Resistance of a NiMo2B2-Dispersed Ni-Based Alloy
Guofeng ZhangMasao MorishitaMasaki InadaKoichiro Koyama
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 41 巻 12 号 p. 1593-1598


Corrosion of NiMo2B2-dispersed Ni-based alloy containing Co, Mn, Cr, Fe or Cu was examined by measuring the mass loss and the corrosion potential in 6 mass%HNO3 aqueous solution and by metallography. The corrosion was accelerated by addition of Co or Mn while it was retarded by addition of Cr, Fe or Cu. In particular, the addition of Cu greatly improved the corrosion resistance. The corrosion proceeded by a mechanism in which the Ni-matrix phase worked as anode while the NiMo2B2 phase worked as cathode. The addition of Cu shifted the corrosion potential of the Ni-matrix phase to the noble side by about 15 mV, and consequently the difference in the corrosion potential between the Ni-matrix phase and the NiMo2B2 phase decreased. As a result the preferential corrosion of the Ni-matrix phase was extremely retarded.

© The Japan Institute of Metals
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