Online ISSN : 2435-4589
Print ISSN : 0037-2277
日本産蘚類の発芽の研究 (2) 高山蘚ミヤマヤリカツギおよびマルバユリゴケ
西田 雄行岩月 善之助
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 8 巻 8 号 p. 165-168


  The sporelings were studied on two mosses, Encalypta rhaptocarpa Schwaegr. and Tayloria hornschuchii (Grev. et Arnott) Broth., both collected in the Alpine region of central Japan. The protonema system of Encalypta rhaptocarpa was composed of two elements: massive protonema which consists of 2-4 globose cells, and filamentous protonema which consits of long, cylindrical cells. The sporeling of this species belongs to a new type, the Encalypta-type. The initial cells of the leafy gametophyte were formed on the caulonema. The protonema system of Tayloria hornschuchii is composed of filamentous protonemata which consist of long, cylindrical cells. The walls of the protonema cells are papillose. The sporeling of this species belongs to the Bryum-type. An initial cell of the leafy gametophyte was not formed on any part of the protonema system.

© 1980 公益財団法人服部植物研究所
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