Online ISSN : 1880-4977
Print ISSN : 0910-1543
ISSN-L : 0910-1543
福島 重広上田 衛
ジャーナル フリー

1985 年 2 巻 2 号 p. 88-96


We developed previously a software system for gastric radiogram analysis on a large computer to study the method of extracting the gastric contour from the standing position-anteroposterior image of a stomach. This system was implemented on a small computer for personal use in order to facilitate the analysis experiment and to evaluate the processing efficiency. This project began with development of an interactive general-purpose image processing system, which is flexible and convenient, in order to study many analyzing possibilities. The gastric radiogram analysis system was implemented using this system. This paper describes the outline ofthe general-purpose system, and then shows how this system was used in the analysis experiment on gastric radiograms. The gastric radiogram analysis system takes some time to process a large image, as was evaluated for three different sizes, because the general-purpose system is software-based and written mostly in FORTRAN. Therefore, the evaluated time is an upper bound ofthe process time, which canbe reduced by introducing a hardware image processor. However, in this implementation, we were primarily concerned with experimental ease. This was achieved by the system developed on the small computer. The processed examples are also shown.

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