2024 Volume 42 Issue 2 Pages 62-68
A nurseʼs accurate, prompt physical assessment ability is connected directly with “quality of care”, such as an appropriate provision of the care method and the patient satisfaction. Lectures, audiovisual materials, simulated patients, and clinical practicum were mainstream skill acquisition methods for nursing students; the conventional devel opment of information science diversified it. Particularly, the development of the AR simulator expecting a high learn ing effect is aimed anatomical and clinical fidelity, and “Authenticity of the simulation education” before clinical prac tice is reobtained consensus. We have been developing a nursing AR simulator called Endotracheal Suctioning Training Environment Simulator (ESTE-SIM). We report our multi-disciplinary research progress, focusing on “devel opment of the respiratory tract model with the sensor”, “feedback mechanism of measurement data”, and “development of the facial expression and cyanosis model”.