Online ISSN : 1618-2545
Print ISSN : 1340-3540
Full paper
Hirticrusta gen. nov. segregated from Neofomitella in Polyporaceae (Polyporales)
Toshinori MatozakiTsutomu HattoriNitaro MaekawaAkira NakagiriNoemia Kazue IshikawaKozue Sotome
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2020 年 61 巻 5 号 p. 240-248


Taxonomic studies including morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses were conducted on Japanese “uragin-take”, an unidentified species from Amazonia, Brazil and their allies. Phylogenetic analyses using ITS, nrLSU and RPB2 regions revealed that “uragin-take”, Neofomitella polyzonata and the unidentified species formed a monophyletic clade separate from the clade including the other four Neofomitella spp. and that “uragin-take” is conspecific with N. polyzonata. Morphological investigations on authentic specimens revealed that Polyporus subradiatus is a prior name for N. polyzonata. We propose Hirticrusta gen. nov. typified by H. subradiata segregated from Neofomitella, and we erected H. amazonica sp. nov. for the unidentified species. Hirticrusta is characterized by annual to biennial and sessile basidiocarps, semicircular to dimidiate pileus, velutinous to tomentose hairs on pileus surface, buff to brown context with a crustose layer indicated by a dark brown line forming a longitudinal section below the superficial hairs, a trimitic hyphal system, crustose layer composed of parallel and densely arranged brown hyphae and cylindrical basidiospores. The new species, H. amazonica is distinguishable from other polypores by downy and long tomentum on the pileus surface (up to 20 mm thick), brown context with a dark brown layer below the tomentum and round pores (5–7/mm).

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