Research Journal of Educational Methods
Online ISSN : 2189-907X
Print ISSN : 0385-9746
ISSN-L : 0385-9746
Characteristics of Primary School Teachers as Hidden Curriculum that Have the Possibility of their Influences on the Classroom Management : A Study of Teachers' Culture through Examining the Japanese Literatures
Ikuko SATO
Author information

2009 Volume 34 Pages 85-96


In this paper, an attempt is made to identify the characteristics of primary school teachers as hidden curriculum underlying the processes of educational activities. In advance of the examination, seven points of view are discussed: "low economical position", "fatigue due to the pressure of work", "conflict", "teacher image that was expected by people", "eyes of people on primary school teachers". "teacher-pupil relations" and "teacher interpersonal relations". They are showed from the Japanese literatures in what primary school teachers were described. It is found out that primary school teachers are characterized by six points of view except "low economical position". On the basis of the above-stated data, it is explored the possibility of their influences on the classroom management. As a result, it is confirmed that some of teachers' characteristics have not a little influence on the stiff classroom management. So it is desired that teachers recognize their unstable professional selves. It is very important that teachers work flexibly and independently, and then their identities are stable.

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© 2009 National Association for the Study of Educational Methods
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