Online ISSN : 1882-4935
Print ISSN : 0914-3319
ISSN-L : 0914-3319
松田 貴
ジャーナル フリー

2010 年 47 巻 5 号 p. 299-302


The Yomiuri Shimbun has added a color management system (CMS) to the equipment used in its color proofing process, such as ink-jet color printers and color proofing monitors. In general, images used in newspapers are divided into two categories: photos carried in news sections, and advertisements. The Yomiuri Shimbun uses automated image optimization for news photos, relying on parameters determined to render the most accurate color possible. Advertisement images are provided by the ad agencies in digital files, which are printed using ink-jet printers to check the color. The digital files are then sent to the printing plants. Before printing on paper, the color is adjusted using color proofing monitors for reference. However, occasionally, the galley proofs provided by the agencies are used instead. The new CMS allows stable, high-quality color printing. However, there still is room for improvement, and so no effort will be spared to provide readers with a uniform print quality throughout the paper.

© 2010 社団法人 日本印刷学会
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