Online ISSN : 1882-4935
Print ISSN : 0914-3319
ISSN-L : 0914-3319
内村 浩美尾崎 靖木村 実
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 38 巻 4 号 p. 216-224


Penetrability of dyed ink jetted on ink jet printing paper was investigated. Evaluation of printing quality is indispensably needed for development of printing paper and improvement of its quality. In particular, information on penetration behavior in depth direction of ink-paper system is desirable for ink jet printed paper. However, a thin sectioning to prepare specimen by an epoxy-embedding used as the most common method is entirely inadequate for application of ink-paper system because printed ink tends to dissolve into the resin. In this study, smooth crosssections of matte and glossy type ink jet printed papers were created by a focused ion beam method. However, penetration behavior of jet ink into the coated layer could not be directly observed through scanning electron microscope (SEM). Therefore, the dyed ink penetrated into the coated layer was observed by the combination of SEM with optical microscope. Further, non-uniform concentration of the dyed ink in the coated layer was found using the SEM-electron probe micro analyzer combination system. The mechanism of penetrability of the dyed ink was also discussed from ununiformity of ink penetration.

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