Niigata Iryo Fukushi Gakkaishi
Online ISSN : 2435-9777
Print ISSN : 1346-8774
Online Activities and Their Effects on Student Volleyball Players
Rena Hamano
Author information

2023 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 41-46


In this study, a survey was conducted on students belonging to a college volleyball team to clarify whether their awareness changes due to performing various online activities in addition to training in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results revealed that all the subjects felt that the online activities had a positive impact on their team and gym practices. In addition, from the results of text mining of reflection by free description answer, words such as “easy to relate to,” “easy to take,” “easy to listen to,” and “communication” were extracted.

Furthermore, the students were actively engaged even in the practice sessions in the gymnasium after the restrictions were lifted, as evidenced by an increase in conversation. The reason all the subjects evaluated the online activities favorably was presumed to be that informal communication was promoted not only through training but also through various activities, communication within the team. Moreover, in the regular action plan, setting goals and tasks suitable for online and face-to-face activities, and in parallel, conducting exercises to deepen communication may function as a strategy that leads to team growth.

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© 2023 Niigata Society of Health and Welfare

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