NMC Case Report Journal
Online ISSN : 2188-4226
ISSN-L : 2188-4226
Spinal Cord Stimulation for Neuropathic Pain following a Spinal Cord Lesion with Past Spinal Surgical Histories Using a Paddle Lead Placed on the Rostral Side of the Lesion: Report of Three Cases
Nobuhisa FUKAYATakafumi TANEIYusuke NISHIMURAMasahito HARANobuhiro HATAYoshitaka NAGASHIMASatoshi MAESAWAYoshio ARAKIRyuta SAITO
Author information

2022 Volume 9 Pages 349-355


Spinal cord parenchymal lesions may induce intractable neuropathic pain. However, the efficacy of conventional spinal cord stimulation for the neuropathic pain following spinal cord lesions remains to be controversial. In this study, we present three cases of spinal cord stimulation using a paddle lead at the rostral side of the spinal lesion causing pain symptoms. Good pain reductions were achieved using conventional stimulation in one case and using differential target multiplexed stimulation in two cases. Case 1: A 55-year-old man presented with neuropathic pain affecting his bilateral upper extremities due to a traumatic cervical spinal cord injury. Conventional stimulation via a paddle-type electrode was able to reduce the pain from 8 to 4 via a visual analog scale. Case 2: A 67-year-old man had undergone three spinal surgeries. He presented with pain and numbness of bilateral lower extremities due to a spinal cord lesion by thoracic disc herniation. Differential target multiplexed stimulation via a paddle-type electrode achieved excellent pain reduction, that is, from 9 to 2 on the visual analog scale. Case 3: An 80-year-old man presented with pain in his bilateral upper extremities due to a cervical spinal cord lesion caused by compression and spinal canal stenosis. Posterior cervical decompression and paddle-type electrode placement were performed simultaneously. Differential target multiplexed stimulation was able to achieve excellent pain reduction, from 7 to 2 on the visual analog scale. Spinal cord stimulation using a paddle lead at the rostral side of the spinal lesion and differential target multiplexed stimulation may provide significant opportunities for patients with intractable neuropathic pain following spinal cord lesions.

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